

Multistate programs are supported by State Agricultural Experiment Station from the Hatch Multistate Research Fund provided by the National Institute for Food and Agriculture. Consortium members affiliate with a variety of US and Canadian research groups including:

Are you a CWD researcher interested in becoming a member?

The multi-state CWD consortium is open to all researchers currently working on chronic wasting disease who will advance the five research priorities through collaborative efforts. We are looking for potential collaborators who can positively contribute to the consortium’s mission to coordinate CWD research across disciplines and jurisdictions involving academia, state and federal agencies, Tribal Nations, and non-governmental organizations. 

Consortium Code of Conduct

Please complete this application.

OR, send your name, affiliation, area of expertise, list of top 5 relevant publications and/or research projects, what you hope to gain from participating in the Consortium, what you believe you can contribute, and CV to